Alpine Renault



Legal notice


This Internet website (hereinafter the “Site”), which can be accessed at http://www.mecachrome.com/, is the property of the MECACHROME Group (defined as MECA DEV and all its subsidiaries). Please read the Site terms of use carefully before you use it. When browsing the Site, as a user, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please do not use the Site.

1- Publisher information

Publisher: MECACHROME FRANCE, SAS with capital of €74,978,130, RCS TOULOUSE 429853351 Head office: 7 avenue Albert Durand 31700 BLAGNAC Publication manager: Anne-Annabelle Begey Contact : 06 46 50 52 24


2- Acknowledgments

Site design and creation: Kardinal T, SAS with capital of €10,000.00, RCS TOULOUSE 823605183, head office: 161 avenue Jean Rieux 31500 TOULOUSE

Hosting: OVH, SAS with capital of €10,069,020.00, RCS LILLE MÉTROPOLE 424761419, head office: 2 rue Kellerman 59100 ROUBAIX


3- Contents

The purpose of this Site is to present the activities of the MECACHROME Group.

The Publisher is the owner of the contents of the Site that it has placed online and reserves the right to amend them at any time without notice.

4- Limitation of liability

It is up to the user to ensure that they have the competencies and the technical means necessary to access and use the Site. The Publisher cannot guarantee users that access to the Site will be uninterrupted or virus-free.

The information presented on the Site is given exclusively for information purposes. The Publisher gives no guarantee, either explicit or implicit, of the quality or the accuracy of the information or the documents on the Site, or that they are up to date, in order or exhaustive in nature.

MECACHROME France and/or any other entity in the MECACHROME Group cannot be held liable to users or third parties for any direct or indirect damage, of whatsoever nature, resulting from the use of the Site, including, but not limited to, infection by viruses, the loss of IT equipment, the loss of data or programs, financial or material loss.

The Publisher gives no guarantee, either explicit or implicit, of the quality or the accuracy of the information or the documents on the Site, or that they are up to date, in order or exhaustive in nature, and assumes no liability regarding the use of this publication. The elements are presented for information purposes and are not binding on the Publisher.

5- Intellectual property

The contents of this site are protected by literary and artistic property, the Berne Convention and the intellectual property code, Book I. Unless specifically provided for otherwise in this publication with regard to a file, document or specific extract, the Publisher hereby grants the right to view, store and reproduce copies of this publication for the Site user’s personal use. Any reproduction, other than for the site user’s private use, in particular for public dissemination by any means whatsoever, is strictly forbidden without the site Publisher’s prior written authorization.

Consequently, the site user is prohibited from:

  • Reproducing, in whole or in part, for sale, distribution, issue, transmission, publication and communication in any form whatsoever, the information or works protected by copyright attached to the work or to the information reproduced without specific, prior written authorization of the holder of the copyright attached to the work or information reproduced;
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  • Entering data on this site that would modify or might be likely to modify the contents or the appearance of the data or works featured on this site.

In all cases of reproduction, references to the copyright must be visible on each copy of the publication, whether it is used in whole or in part. Any unauthorized use of the Site or of its contents, or the information divulged on it, will render the user liable and will constitute forgery punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Code of Intellectual Property.

The Publisher’s marks and the logos that appear on the Site are protected. Any reproduction or representation in whole or in part of these marks or logos, on their own or integrated into other elements, without the explicit prior authorization of the Publisher, is prohibited and will incur the user’s liability as defined in articles L713-2 and L 713-3 of the French Code of Intellectual Property.

6- Design and creation of the Site

The Publisher is the exclusive owner of all the elements that have made possible the design and creation of the site by Kardinal T.

7- Creation of hypertext links to the site

The Site authorizes the use of hypertext links to its contents, subject to prior and express agreement of the Publisher:

  • Not to use the deep linking technique, in other words, the pages on the site must not be embedded inside pages on another site, but accessible by opening a window,
  • To mention the source that will direct by means of a hypertext link directly to the viewed content,
  • That the information used must only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes,
  • That any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded.

Attention: this authorization does not apply to internet websites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may, in a broader context, cause offence to the majority. The Publisher accepts no liability with regard to the data protection practises and policies of sites with which we might be linked by hypertext links, and we advise you to take note of this.

8- Cookies

The site uses cookies. We use these files stored on your computer to facilitate your access to the service we offer you. The cookies on the Site do not contain data that identify you personally. They are designed to be used exclusively by MECACHROME France. We inform you that you can object to information being recorded by the cookies by adjusting your computer settings; connect to the website http.//www.cnil.fr for more information.

9- Applicable law – Place of jurisdiction

Any dispute associated with the use of the Site or the execution, interpretation or validity of these terms of use shall be subject to French law and to the jurisdictions within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal in Toulouse exclusively.

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